Train the faculty members at Sohag university on the “Thinqi” platform

According to the instructions of His Excellency Prof. Mustafa Abdel-Khaleq, president of Sohag university, to train the faculty members at Sohag university on the “Thinqi” platform as a basic system for managing learning at the university, to be implemented from the next academic year 2022-2023. The faculty of science at Sohag university, commissioned by His Excellency Prof. Dr. Hazem Al-Moshneb, Dean of the faculty, has developed a work plan for a training program on the “Thinqi” platform as a basic system for managing learning at the university in the virtual experiment laboratories at the faculty of Science, Lab No. (3). The training continued over twelve training sessions according to the schedule pre-prepared and approved by the Dean of the faculty of science.

The training was conducted by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Khairy, professor in the department of chemistry, faculty of science. And Prof. Dr. Abdo Kamal Diab, professor in the department of physics, faculty of science, the training objective was to train 180 faculty members at the faculty of science (15 members x 12 training sessions), and the attendance was approximately 66% of the total faculty members at the faculty of science, so the number of trainees from the faculty of science on the “Thinqi” educational platform about 120 faculty members

Written by Prof. Dr. Hussien Elsageera