الفرقة الثالثة الكيمياء الفيزيائية 324 ك د. حاتم محمود د. محمد اسماعيل د.محمد خيري

Choose only one Item from each part of the following:

Part (I):Molecular Spectroscopy

 1. Give an account of fluorescence and phosphorescence: – Definition – Comparison – Example – Schematic Diagram

2. Write a short note on ‘Raman Spectroscopy’ – Background and definition – Selection Rules – Rotational Raman – Vibrational Raman – Uses

Part (II): Electrochemistry

1. Electrochemical cells and applications – Types of electrochemical cells with examples – Discuss the types of electrodes – Discuss the movement mechanism of ions in the cells – How the cell voltage depends on the concentration of electrolyte. – What is the application of different cells?

2. Battery as energy device. – What is battery – Kind of batteries – Why are the voltages of watch and car batteries different? – Why battery potential is not constant? – Future prospective for energy storage devices.

Part (III): Quantum Chemistry

1. Quantum mechanics theory – Write brief accounts on the reasons for developing the quantum mechanics theory – Refer to the postulates of Quantum theory

2. One Dimensional motion and excitation, considering translation of tiny particle in one dimension, – Write the conditions that make this motion possible – What is the energy relation that gives the total energy of the motion? – What are the energy dependent variables? specify the relations – How can the energy relation be used to estimate the excitation?