فقاريات ووراثة  202ح أ.د/ تيتو نعيم (ساعة) د/ حنان على محمود

1- Chordates diversity and Vertebrate Genomes Project (VGP). 2- Reproduction in vertebrate groups and genetics of sex determination and chromosome evolution.  3- Feeding, digestive system and genetic signatures of domestication across Vertebrates. 4- Vertebrate taxonomy and general characteristics of their different classes and Hox genes. 5- Metamorphosis in chordates and the role of apoptosis and Programmed Cell Death (PCD). 6- Blood circulation and Circulatory system اقراء المزيد

ثانية بيولوجي بيئة نباتية وتصنيف ونبات 202ن أ.د. مجدي عبد السميع د. أماني أبو القاسم د. هدى عبد الحميد

1-  Abiotic component of Ecosystem and Parts of flowering plants and their medical importance 2 – Ecosystem  processes, taxonomical ranks of flowering plants and manufacture of sugar 3 – Ecosystem  development, classification and economic importance of flowering oil plants

الفيزياء والكيمياء الكيمياء الفيزيائية 222ك أ.د. حسنية مهران أ.د. لبني عبدالمحسن أ.د. طارق طه

First Model (1) The relation between chemistry and thermodynamics is a big story. What do you know about it? (2) Discuss first order reactions and second order reactions. (3) Write on parallel reactions and series reactions. (4) C and D are two partly miscible liquids. E is a substance, which dissolves without chemical reaction in both C and D. (a) By means of diagrams show اقراء المزيد

فيزياء وكيمياء و الفيزياء والرياضة مقدمة الكترونيات 202 ف د. مديحة ابو الفضل

1 – Thermionic emitter (design- applications, improvement the performance) 2 – Vacuum tubes (design- applications, improvement the performance) 3 – Gas-Filled Tubes (design- applications, improvement the performance) 4 – n-type and P-type semiconductors (energy band –current flow – devise works safely in the reverse voltage area) 5 – Light Emitting Diode (LED)