الثالثة الكيمياء وعلم الحيوان طفيليات و رخويات 306ح أ.د/ علاء يسرى د. مومن الضمرانى

1-Impact of Leishmaniasis on human and the diagnosatic methods of the different species belonging to the genus Leishmania. Microbial infections and protozoan diseases in Mollusca

2-Larval forms of Digenetic Trematodes with emphasis on the role of Molluscan hosts in its transmission. Host parasite relationship: Effect of parasites on the host fecundity, Longevity and Pathological changes in the the molluscan tissues.

3-The role played by Mehlis’  gland in the formation of egg shell with emphasis on the structure of some cestoda eggs. Mollusks as parasites.