الثالثة الكيمياء وعلم الحيوان فسيولوجيا الحيوان و بيئة 308ح  أ.د/سهير عبد الرحيم أ.د / فتحى السيد سليمان

1. Types of biomes, can a new biome type emerge in the future? _ The blood?

2. Factors that limit distribution of any animal population. _ The essential of the cardiovascular system?

3. “Density is an important population feature and is affected by other factors” Discuss with examples? _ The Digestive system and the significance of the digestion process

4. The importance of Biogeochemical cycles as regulators for elements necessary for life. _The Renal system and the mechanism of urine formation.

5. Natality and Mortality are important features of any population. _The Respiratory system and the respiration